The animated series set to premiere on Cartoon Network next year will not follow the storyline set in the live-action film, but will be closer to the story in the modern comics. has learned that Jim Krieg, whose previous work include Batman: The Brave and the Bold, The Super Hero Squad Show and Fox's Spider-Man and X-Men series, is the newly appointed story editor for Warner Bros. Animation's upcoming Green Lantern animated series.
The Green Lantern series will be the first computer-generated, animated series featuring DC Universe comics characters. The story will focus on Hal Jordan, Kilowog (his Corps drill instructor) and an yet to be named Red Lantern. The Red Lanterns are a savage parallel to the Green Lantern. The Red Lantern Corps is fueled by the light of rage, and its ring-wielders roam the galaxy seeking violent retribution and death.
The series will not be considered canon for the live-action movie franchise.