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Okay many of you are having problems with the disc read error message when staring up
mercenaries reunion/ lost in night mares/desperate escape, well i found the answer to stop the disc read error for good
1. delete any dlc like the free figures and vs mode (because vs is already on the download voucher)
2. next Go to the system blade and then select memory.
Press Y on the HD symbol and then press X,X,Left Bumper, Right Bumper, X,X. Once you do this a messsage will appear saying: Do you want to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices select yes (note this doesn't delete game saves or downloadable content.
3. start game from hdd or disc and everything should run with no more disc read error/clean disc crap........
p.s. if it still doesn't work follow steps 1 and 2, then when you put the game on and it says update hit no and load an old save. Then you will notice no dlc (downloadable content) is present so log on to live and it should ask you to update, do so at this time and that should solve the problems with your new re 5 gold dlc or vouchers